Since my son was born, not a day has gone by that he hasn’t put a smile on my face. Seeing him grow and learn everyday has been a special experience. He has made so much progress in so little time. As soon as he was born he was able to hold his head up and a few weeks later he was able to do tummy time for an extended period of time. Being able to see that progress has inspired me to improve myself.

He inspires me to be a better partner. I want him to see the amount of love that I have for his mother and that the goal to a strong relationship requires daily effort from both of us. I want him to feel that the home that we create for him is one that he can always come back to and one that he can create for himself.

He inspires me to become a better individual in our society. We are living in an extraordinary era of human history and in our nation’s history. With the protests that are going on over racial injustice, I want my son to know that there are people who are standing up for others because it’s the right thing to do. I want him to know that we, his parents, were part of the solution and that every ounce of effort counts towards to ultimate goal. That’s something I want to pass on to him.

He’s made me realize that we should never stop learning. As human beings, we are meant to be curious about the world around us. We sometimes take things for granted especially as we get older. But when I see my little boy learning the most basic of human abilities it inspires me.

I cannot wait to see this boy grow and see how we can all grow stronger and smarter together. I am truly lucky to be a father.