Jurassic Guests at Fairchild Tropical Garden

Fairchild Garden is a beautiful property that recently had a fantastic attraction where they featured life sized statues of dinosaurs. I had come across this event while scrolling through Instagram and immediately bought tickets. Now thinking about it, that was probably the precursor to his obsession with dinosaurs. We took lots pictures that day, here […]

Fujifilm Photo Gallery Five

Had a moment to photograph little Tristan and decided to make it a nice black and white portrait series. He was a hard model to work with but happy with how these photos came out!

Fujifilm Photo Gallery Four

Just a mix of photos taken near a railroad and warehouses. Beginning to edit a lot more with Capture One photo software in this series of photos. I sometimes can’t decide between color and black and white so I just mix both in there. Each style has a unique feel to them which is why […]