Missions: Highway of Death through Into The Furnace

Highway of Death: Pit Stop, Driver’s Ed and Ashes to Ashes

  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Anticipate the APCs coming from the left side of the map and you can get this achievement pretty easily. Four vehicles will pop out, right after the jets bomb the area where the Al-Qatala group is firing mortars from. To earn the achievement you’ll need to destroy at least 3 tires to officially immobilize the APCs however shooting one tire will momentarily slow it down. I suggest shooting at least one tire from all vehicles right from the beginning and then targeting each vehicle one by one.
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • The opportunity for this achievement comes right after taking out enemy mortars. You will see the suicide truck coming from over 600m away. However you can hit it as it nears but you will need to put a couple rounds on the truck to open up a window to get a clear shot at the driver. Once the driver is fairly close it is not that difficult to put him down.

  • Difficulty: -/-
  • Ashes to Ashes again? Yes! You’ll have a few chances when the enemy rushes to your location, grouping up in teams of four. Although this is a level that heavily promotes sniping the opportunity does exist.

Hometown: Two Birds

  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • This achievement comes right at the end of the mission and requires a bit of patience. Distracting the Russian soldiers is necessary but easily done and they conveniently line up for you. Since you are playing as the little girl, your aim is wobbly and your line of sight is a lot lower than usual making the shot a bit difficult.

Wolfs Den: Tunnel Rat, Hang Time, and Press [BOOM] to Defuse

  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • The chance to get this achievement comes after you clear the house and you’re teamed up with Farrah underground to try and capture the Wolf. While underground, you are immersed in darkness (depending on your settings). Enemies will pop out of corners in full view but you’ll have some enemies who peak around corners as well. As you progress through the level you’ll have to check above you for enemies. When it comes to the ammunition you’ll have to conserve it for a while before getting the chance to resupply. The resupply chance comes when you have to start climbing the ladders, you’ll find a weapon in a moveable mine cart. All in all, I was able to complete this achievement without restarting the level and without using any tactical or explosive equipment just to be sure.
  • Difficulty: -/-
  • While equipped with the pistol at the end of the level you are forced to climb multiple sets of ladders. This is a great opportunity to get this achievement, although I wasn’t able to get it myself. This portion of the level is very chaotic and requires some quick reactions to not get killed. As I was playing on Veteran difficulty I did not want to get stuck here for too long and decided to proceed with the campaign instead.

  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • Another second chance achievement, while down in the tunnels, the enemy has laid out tripwires in several locations. These tripwires are armed with Semtex grenades which would make aiming at them easier as well. Since I had already unlocked it before, I wasn’t able to try it again but if you missed it before this would be a good chance to try again

Captive: Dodged a Bullet and Got Something on Your Face

  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • I thought it was going to be harder to get but it is surprisingly easy. On the final moments of your escape, you enter a construction area, that provides you with cover to hide behind. Although you are faced with waves of enemies, you can still hide comfortably from the sniper. The game also makes it easy to see where the sniper is aiming because a red laser is shown and the sniper has a slow rate of fire that goes off in a consistent manner. Knowing this you can time your runs right after the sniper shoots for the best chance of getting the achievement.
  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • During the interrogation/water boarding scene you are giving dialogue options after General Barkov asks you three questions. I was confused at first as I did not see the option to “spit” at him in any scenario. It occurred to me on my final attempt to press the trigger button to make this action and that is precisely what you need to do.

Old Comrades: Hot Swap

  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • This achievement was fun to get seeing as you start with a pistol. I would suggest starting with the 50 cal pistol (Desert Eagle) because you might not see it again. I also suggest that once you get into the open streets to get an assault rifle as you’ll need something with good range in these moments. Just make sure not to take too long looking for a different weapon as you are suppose to be chasing down The Butcher and you’ll fail if he gets too far. With that said, you do have a bit of time to scavenge and you have plenty of options to choose from including an RPG and M21 LMG at the end of the level. You’ll know that you succeeded at the end of the mission.

Going Dark: Lights Out and We Own the Night

  • Difficulty: 1/5
  • Pretty much the whole mission is gone through using NVGs which makes it easier for you to seek out the bad guys. Each of the target buildings, including non-target buildings like the mansion, will have a power box on the outside of them. The hard part about this is finding them without attracting too much attention. However, it is fairly easy to get this achievement under our belt if you move from the first building to the pool, mansion, then church.

  • Difficulty: 5/5
  • This next achievement is difficult and may require multiple play-throughs on lower difficulty settings. I was not able to get it on my first time through but will say it is hard to know if you killed all the bad guys without having them call for backup on you. During your attempt, you might have to take out the enemies in a way that they do not find the bodies of other fallen enemies. This makes it one of the hardest achievements in the whole game.

Into The Furnace: Warheads on Foreheads

  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Playing on Veteran did not help me get through this achievement with ease. In fact, I was killed 12 times or more while attempting this one. The general method to attaining it is to be able to stay in cover long enough to allow time for the drone to reload. The drone is able to fire two missiles in quick succession but this will yield the longest reload time. You will need to be patient when selecting your shots in order to take out the most enemies in a single blow. You should allow at least 10 seconds to pass between shots to have a steady flow of rockets flying at the enemies. When it comes to cover, do not rely solely on the APC, instead use the sides of cliffs or concrete barriers to shield you from enemies. Once you take out the final helicopter, you pretty much have a clear path to the lab entrance allowing you to earn this achievement.

End Game Achievements

As stated in part one of my achievement guide there are two end game achievements to be earned. Tea Time is earned once you complete the campaign on any difficulty. Out of the Fire is earned by playing campaign on Veteran or Realism difficulties. I chose to go with Veteran seeing as it might be challenging enough to be a good experience but not too hard that it becomes a chore.

Special Ops Achievement

This mode is an extension to the campaign, the only difference is it is a cooperative mode. Although I have not earned this achievement yet, all that is required is to finish the mode to completion.

Strangely enough there wasn’t a single achievement to be earned in multiplayer but there you have it, all achievements for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare listed out.