A Little Motivation from a Navy Admiral: Recommended Reads

Make your Bed: Little Things that can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World

Make Your Bed is written by retired Navy Admiral Willam H. McRaven and is based off the commencement speech he gave at the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. Since giving that speech, the video (posted below) has gone viral garnering millions of views and has pushed his book to become a best seller. He has even released a kids version of this popular book featuring a seal as the protagonist just this year.

Getting back to the book, it is a rather short read and it essentially covers the main talking points that Admiral McRaven made during his speech. Each point is a lesson that the retired admiral had learned and overcome during his time in service, both in training and when he was in charge of various combat missions. The most notable mission he oversaw was the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

After joining the Navy, he trained to become a SEAL, which is one of the hardest special forces groups to join. However according to Admiral McRaven, this was the most pivotal time of his entire life. It was this time in SEAL training that formed the foundation of each of the points he put forth in his speech.

He very clearly states that you don’t need to become a SEAL or go through rigorous training to make change in the world. In fact, the cornerstone of his argument is that one simple goal, accomplished every day is enough to make a change in your life. In his case, it was making his bed every morning but it could be something different in yours. So if you’re looking for a little pick me up or something to get you mind in a good space, this book will be worth the time.