2021 has been a milestone year for me. Yet it has also been one of the fastest moving years in recent memory. This year felt like a giant blur but thankfully there were a few bright spots that I will mention in a bit. This next section will consist of links to some of the top news stories of the year. Hopefully, if you check them out, we will all be able to reflect upon what has happened and bring a new attitude into the new year.

As I’ve done in years past I will also be providing some nerdy yearly stats at the end of the article that will mainly show what video games and movies I consumed this year. Without further ado lets get on with 2021 in review.

The Year in Review

So this past year felt as if it moved at light speed. However we are still dealing with the effects of the pandemic which still makes day to day life feel less than normal. With that said, I feel like we did a lot this year. I encourage readers to check out my personal page for all the things we’ve done this year. I do want to highlight a few events here for the review.

The first major event was that Jackie and I officially got married. We decided to do it during the summer and pretty much have kept it under the radar. The ceremony had to be moved around because of the pandemic and is currently scheduled for sometime next year.

I also reached a personal milestone of turning 30. This leads into the birthday celebration we decided to do which involved taking a big Florida road trip. We visited six cities in seven days, four of which I had never been to before. I go into more detail in my recent travel post so feel free to check it out there.

The last major event to happen this year also happened right before Christmas, in which we became homeowners. We found ourselves moving into a town home in Homestead. I cannot begin to explain how good it feels to finally have our own place.

So those were a few of the main events that happened in my life this past year. Now looking ahead to 2022, I do have some major goals that I want to tackle. I will create a separate post detailing Finally, as promised, my nerdy stats. I hope you enjoyed!

Stats from 2021

  • Movies Seen: 28 (down from 63 in 2020)

Top 3 Movies

  • The Mitchell’s vs the Machines
  • Knives Out
  • Crazy Stupid Love

Worst movie

  • Wonder Woman 1984

Games Played: 19 (up from 13 in 2020)

Top 3 Games Played

  • Metroid Dread
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man/Miles Morales
  • Doom Eternal

Books Read: 3 (tied 2020)

See the complete Movies and Games list here